Contact Talladega Main Street, Inc. Executive Director Cathryn Roehrig at cathy@talladegamainstreet.org
Local leaders worked diligently to complete the strenuous application process required for Talladega to become a member of Main Street Alabama. On June 1, this effort was rewarded when Talladega was named a 2022 Main Street Alabama Designated Community.
Main Street has a proven track record for revitalizing downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts and bringing jobs, dollars and people back to Alabama’s historic communities. Through its Four Point Approach, the nonprofit helps cities implement a plan that focuses on organization, design, promotion and economic vitality.
On June 27, Main Street President Mary Helmer Wirth and Field Services Specialist Tanya Maloney held an informative training workshop for Talladega’s Main Street leaders. On July 9, the City hosted a forum for the entire community, giving residents an opportunity to learn more about the benefits of being a designated community. First Bank of Alabama CEO Chad Jones committed $25,000 to Talladega’s Main Street program and up to five million dollars in business loans to promote community revitalization.
The following leaders attended a recent Main Street Alabama training in Opelika, AL: City Manager Seddrick Hill Sr., Hall of Heroes Museum Curator Jimmy Williams, Councilman Joe Power, Top Trails OHV Park Director Jason DiSalvo, CMP Civilian Marksmanship Program Business Development Manager Bruce Hancock, First Bank of Alabama Branch Manager Dawn Wood, community investors Martha Jordan, Kevin Smith and Cara Smith, City Planner Robert Buyher, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Nikki Baker and Public Information Officer Mary Sood.
Photo 1 - Pictured left to right: Dr. Dawson Harmon, Katie Campbell, Donna Kelly, Eboni Truss, Executive Director Cathryn Roehrig, Vice Chair Martha Jordan, Chair April Clark, Secretary Megan Carpenter, Jerry Creel and Bruce Hancock. Not pictured: Dr. Edward Hill and Jerry Hutto.
Photo 2 - TMS Economic Vitality Committee meeting. Photo caption left to right: Dontae Little, Economic Vitality Committee Chair Dr. Eboni L. Truss, Cenetta Twyman, Bruce Hancock, City Manager Seddrick Hill Sr., Talladega Main Street Chair April Clark, Dr. Dawson Harmon and Economic Vitality Committee Co-Chair Katie Campbell.