I graduated from Talladega High School and then attended Jacksonville State University where I received my BS in Elementary Education. Later, I added Early Childhood to my certification. I taught school for 7 years. I later attended The University of Southern Mississippi and received my MLS (Master of Library Science). I have been director of The Talladega Public Library since 2009, but have worked at the library a total of 27 years. I am married with a son and two beautiful grandchildren. I am a member of The Historic Bookworms of Talladega.
Vickie Harkins, Director
Vickie Harkin
Library Staff
Beth Farmer
Library Staff
Lucinda Edwards
Library Staff
Nanci Stratton
Library Staff
Andrea Thompson
Library Staff
Fabriesha Smith
Library Staff
Jasmine Williams
Board of Trustees
Hilda Fannin
Merri Jane Miller
Nicola Lawler
Andrea Herbster
Phyllis Patterson
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Contact Information
Children's Services
Storytime starts at 10:00 in the children’s room. The programs are designed for ages 3-6. Programs last 30-45 minutes and contain videos, music or games related to the theme of the day. Please pick up schedules at the front desk.
Summer Reading Programs start in June each year. Programs are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.. Programs are designed for ages 3-12 and contain professional performers, crafts, stories, music and fun. Prizes are given for participating in the required reading. Schedules are available at front desk after registering for program.
Young Adult Programming
The Talladega Public Library offers young adult programs monthly.
Adult programs
The Talladega Public Library offers a wide variety of adult activities, including Sunrise Yoga every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and Chair Yoga every Thursday at noon with Fitness Bee Brittany Lee. Check our Facebook page for upcoming dates. The classes are free.
The library Historic Talladega Bookworms book club meets the 3rd Tuesday, in every month,12 p.m. at Matehualas. Come join us in a discussion and chips and salsa.
Book Talk
We offer booktalks and movies monthly. Please check our Facebook page for more information.
Arts and Crafts
We offer paint classes at the Library. Please call Connie Miller at 334-275-2789. It is $20 per class but includes all materials.
Cash only - no checks or cards.
Community Projects
The Talladega Public Library has an ongoing community project. We have sticker art on the computer room walls that everyone participates in. It is a giant puzzle that once it is complete will make a picture. We display these pictures that everyone has helped create. We also have a banner for everyone to color in the library. When complete it will be displayed on the wall.
Photocopy service is available. Patrons should request staff assistance prior to making copies in order to obtain the highest quality copies. Copies and computer printouts are 20 cents per page.
Both incoming and outgoing FAX services are available to the public. The fee for FAX services is as follows: 50 cents per page outgoing and 20 cents per page incoming.
Cash only for fines, copies, faxes.
Come check out our Little Free Library located at Veteran’s Park.
The Genealogy Room offers many services and references to help with genealogy research, such as Census records for Talladega County on microfilm, back issues of local newspapers, also on microfilm and books. We also offer access to Ancestry.com for use in the library building.
The Genealogy Room hours are 9 a.m. to 1/2 hour before closing.
If you would like to research genealogy online, use our AncestryLibrary portal:
The library offers a wide variety of reference books available to use in the building but are unavailable for checkout.
Request Genealogy Information
Please use the form below to contact us.
Card Catalogue
The Talladega Public Library offers an online card catalog. If you find a book you like you can call and reserve the book and, if you like, you can pick it up at the drive-thru window.
Request A Book
Request A Book
Please use the form below to contact us.
The Talladega Public Library website offers a vast array of resources. You can use Seussville with your children, or download an ebook or audiobook for yourself on our Libby app.
Or you can use the Libby app to download a magazine. It is all free. Children may benefit from the Encyclopedia of Alabama, or use the Tumblebook Library. Another popular app we offer is AR Bookfinder where you can find a book on your child’s level or the level they are currently reading.
To help with homework our website also offers Learning Express.com and HomeworkAlabama.org. With Homework.org you can engage with a tutor who will help your child with reading, math or assist you with whatever subject you need.
For adults and teens we offer the CareerAlabama.org app and Mometrix test preparation app. The Career Alabama.org app will assist in job searches and aid in polishing your resume.