Talladega’s first female police chief shares success tips at Optimist Club Appreciation Program
May 15, 2023
(Talladega, AL) Talladega Police Chief Diane Thomas delivered an inspiring motivational speech during the Talladega Optimist Club Youth Appreciation Program on May 8, 2023.
“I encourage you to dream big and work hard. The world needs your talent and contributions,” Chief Thomas said to the youth. “Unfortunately, a lot can happen on the way from dreaming to becoming. It’s easy to dream, wish and want. Making your dreams come true, on the other hand, is not always simple.”
She urged the honorees to have goals, make plans, keep moving forward and be brave. She also stressed the importance of avoiding bad company.
“During my years in law enforcement, I have seen so many promising young people end up making horrible mistakes that destroy their lives. Don’t let people convince you to join them in doing things that you know you shouldn’t do,” she warned. “Pick your friends wisely. As the Bible says, ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ No one wants to end up in trouble, in jail, or worse because they were with the wrong person at the wrong time. Try to surround yourself with positive, optimistic people.”
2023 honorees included Tinsley Andrews, Jordan Barclay, Taveon Barclay, America Bennett, Jackson Burel, Kye Burel, Alyric Burks, Aspen Catlin, Michael Clark III, Jazonnia Cohill, Young Cutter, Jayden Dates, Brooklyn Dickerson, Tyriah Draper, Zamaurian Edwards, Josiah Evans, Antonio Fuller, Jr., Eric Garrett, Trenton Garrett, Joshua Gooden, Hayven Green, Z'Niyah Groce, Cristen Haynes, Camyrn Hill, Taylor Hill, Terrance Jenkins, Ricky Jones, Javien Kirksey, Jordana Maxwell, Zariyah McKenzie, Irihanna Moon, Cayden Parker, Jayden Patterson, Jordyn Powell, Andrell Ragland, Frances Robinson, Lariah Robinson, A'riyah Scales, Da'Shawn Shirel, Ralpheal Simmons, Kimora Smiley, Addison Staude, Kali Stockdale, Savannah Strong, Heavenly Swain, Zayden Tillman, Jacquarious Tinnihill, Kaverah White, Ameerah Winfrey, Lawson Young, Layton Young, and Antonio Zuller, Jr.
Each honoree received a certificate of recognition from the City of Talladega.
Photo Caption: Youth Appreciation Program honorees are pictured with District Governor Vera Hendrix, Police Chief Diane Thomas and Talladega Optimist Club Program Chair Sheryl Fuller.